Sunday, March 6, 2011

Frustration Card Game 40 Rules

Call of Duty meets Heavy Rain: GDC 2011 - David Cage wants to create a new genre

at GDC 2011 has given Heavy Rain-maker David Cage in an interview in his future plans known.

The Heavy Rain developer and Quantic Dream's founder David Cage told in an interview that he is thinking about creating a new genre. He would like cinematic influences - put in a war game or shooter, meaning that it created an emotional shooter - as in Heavy Rain wants. Steps should be aroused more emotion to the player than in other shooters. He draws inspiration for such films as Apocalypse Now and Platoon. . "I want to create a new genre I want more people to convince that [emotional games], these industries in a serious direction can, show them that it [Heavy Rain] is not just a product, a story was there. is a format that can be used for any kind of story in any genre. I would really work like in a different type of game. I would love to see if what we found, for example, a first-person Shooter could be applied. "
Whether the developer will implement this idea really, David Cage could not say, but he would really like to develop the said war game to see whether video games can still get closer to film. One could argue that the game could be perhaps a mix of Heavy Rain and Call of Duty - exciting! Cage also said that his studio is currently working on two projects. The picture above is from
Call of Duty: Black Ops


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